Unrivaled KYB data

We verify the small businesses others can’t

The smartest KYB data for unmatched verification and AML compliance screening

Connect with our team for a custom demo or to explore a match rate test

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Increase your KYB approval rates, lower your fraud costs, and capture more revenue

Don’t let potential small business customers or fraudsters fall through the cracks. Enrich your KYB process with unrivaled small business data for the broadest coverage. 

Why Markaaz
Our data is our differentiator. No other company has created a business database that delivers the same KYB benefits.  
What our customers and partners say

I am impressed with the enterprise-grade solution Markaaz has built, with data coverage and match rate results that few others can achieve, at that scale.

Martin Bailey, Director of Innovation and Ecosystems, Temenos

Markaaz’s data is better than anything I have ever seen in the market.

Senior Executive, SMB Credit Card Analytics, Fortune 500 US Bank

Data delivered with ease and speed,
the way you need.
Integrate directly with our database for data delivered directly into your workflows.
Use our customer portal to manage all your data and review reports.
Securely share your customer list as a protected file for batch data validation.

Get a demo or explore a match rate test of your customer portfolio