Business credit 101

Business credit matters because it can open – or close – financial doors. Learn more about how to build credit on the Markaaz blog

4 things you need to know about your business credit score 

Understanding your personal credit score and how to keep it healthy is essential for your personal finances, and your business’s credit score is just as crucial for your business’s financial health.

However, it may not be as apparent to you what your business’s score is or how to establish it. Think of this blog as your 101 class on a business credit score, giving you some of the basics you need for your toolbelt. Here are four things you need to know about your business credit score: 

What is a business credit score? 

Business credit can refer to two things. First, it can mean the credit given to a business instead of a person. A typical example is a business credit card, which covers business expenses. Second, business credit can refer to the business’s creditworthiness as an organization. Business partners, lenders, and others can evaluate this worthiness by looking at the business’s credit report. There are multiple reports and reporting agencies – for example, Equifax offers several credit scores exclusively for businesses. One score is the Business Credit Risk Score™, which helps lenders understand whether a company will likely pay its debts. 

Why does it matter? 

Business credit matters because it can open – or close – financial doors. The Small Business Administration (SBA), suppliers, banks, and other lenders rely on these scores and your personal credit score when providing lines of credit or extended payment terms. If your business credit history is lackluster or poor, people and other companies are less likely to work with you or invest in you.  

Most of the time, both personal credit scores and business credit scores are used to consider whether or not they’ll lend to you. Lenders will also weigh in on factors such as: 

  • Longevity: How long have you been in business? If you’ve been in business for a while, that will contribute to raising your score. 
  • Revenue: What is your annual revenue? If your business brings in significant revenue, that may positively impact your score. 
  • Assets: What assets are named as belonging to the business? If you have some assets under the business, such as property, this will likely raise your credit score. 
  • Outstanding debts: What loans and credit cards do you currently have? Responsible credit usage will positively impact your credit score. 
  • Both personal and business loan and credit history: How long have you had personal and business credit? What loans have you had in the past? What was the value of those loans, and how quickly did you pay them off? A history that indicates your likelihood to pay back loans in the future can affect your score and make you more attractive to lenders. 
  • Public records: This refers to UCC filings and other reports, including liens and judgments against you. 
  • Industry risk: Some industries, like bars and restaurants, are historically riskier than others, and lenders view them differently based on historical data. 

How do I establish my business credit score? 

Establishing your business credit score isn’t all that different from establishing good personal credit.

How do I check my business credit score? 

There are several ways to check your business credit score. You can use traditional agencies like Equifax, Dun & Bradstreet, and Experian to pull your business credit score. However, you may have to pay to see your score whenever you want to check it. The price ranges depending on your service and the report you want to see. You can also do an online search for “free business credit report,” but you may encounter some scams. 

There are also options like Markaaz‘s all-in-one Dashboard. With the Dashboard, you can access cash flow insights, view invoice statements, discover your website and customer analytics, and get your business credit score. It also seamlessly integrates into our directory of over 100 million pre-verified businesses and the payment solution we are building to support small business growth. 

Join Markaaz today and become a part of a community built to help you manage your business. 

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