Our Markaaz Directory is built for your success

The Markaaz Directory combines public and private data sources across firmographic data, compliance data, and business health data to create the always-available Markaaz Directory, born in the cloud, to drive frictionless business onboarding and business activity monitoring

Why our business data excels:

Markaaz sources data from multiple global data partners to cover more businesses with greater completeness and accuracy. Data element by data element, Markaaz’s modern, cloud-first technology uses advanced, proprietary matching techniques to verify business records and create the most comprehensive and precise business profiles in the industry.

Our business intelligence data defined:

Our Markaaz Directory combines the power of three data buckets: firmographic data, business compliance data, and business health data, to give you a complete, holistic view of a company’s market positioning.

Firmographic data

Our firmographic data features 200 data points per business record, from the simple business name, vertical and address to whether the business is minority or veteran owned. With our firmographic data you can truly know your customer.

Business compliance data

Markaaz’s compliance data on businesses includes checks on compliance, anti-money laundering, previously exposed persons, sanctions, and reports on adverse media, meaning you know immediately when onboarding or monitoring a company if there is anything to be concerned about.

Business health data

The Markaaz Directory provides our enterprise partners with an Equifax Business Credit Score and Business Credit Risk Class for every business record. We ensure you are aware of the credit standing of each of the businesses in our Directory.

Know your business customers

Know your customers inside out with our onboarding and monitoring solutions driven by our exceptional firmographic, business health, and compliance data

By using the Markaaz Directory to drive our onboarding and monitoring solutions, we ensure that you can maximize your business onboarding and monitoring success, slow onboarding churn, trim onboarding and monitoring costs, speed up processes, and drive true business excellence across one of the most challenging aspects of your business.

Our data excellence means you always know who you are doing business with and any changes to their company.

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Our data possibilities are limitless

Our modern technology stack ensures our services are adaptable by design and our data capabilities are ever evolving. 

Connect with us about our customizations or future data roadmap.

Better business data provides better business opportunities

By inviting our business owner community into the data correction and updating process, we have created a two-sided approach that provides valuable service to business. 

Markaaz is on a mission to drive business success through the accurate, always available, and easy-to-use business-focused Markaaz Directory. Our data gives businesses a much higher chance of being onboarded with the enterprise services they need when they need them.

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Markaaz verifies 30% more businesses than leading providers. See what you’re missing with our free match rate test.