Making 2022 the year of small business

We have been living with a global pandemic for almost two years and have learned to adapt in many ways. Read more

When we seek to understand, we must listen carefully. That is our mantra for 2022. 

Years ago, when we started the research in the small business landscape, the unmet needs were very clear. There were an overwhelming number of solutions and a lack of clarity on which ones were best. That continues to be an ongoing challenge for business owners, particularly first-time entrepreneurs.  

Times are more complicated now (some would argue they have never been more so). We have been living with a global pandemic for almost two years and have learned to adapt in many ways. We’ve changed how we do things to be able to continue to do business and to go on with our lives. It has become a habit to wear masks inside and, at times, outside, something that many of us never imagined we would experience in our lifetime, yet we have gotten used to it. 

Like in life, small and big companies have needed to adapt. To some extent, they were forced to move to digital, adapt their operations, and much more. All this despite these significant new norms.  

For example, moving from physical verification of a person and a business to digital only. Further, while at the pandemic’s peak, access to financing and capital was widely supported, we soon realized that it wasn’t that simple to do that online with the rise of fraud. We were up against unprecedented challenges that needed new solutions and fast.  

We, together with our partners, learned from this evolving environment over the last two years that we must think differently. Especially when working with and for the backbone of the global economy, the small business community. Change is the new constant and is likely to remain that way. We must be vigilant and be on our toes to detect new challenges and respond quickly before it’s too late.  

For Markaaz, we are committed to making 2022 the Year of Small Business. And what that means for us is that every member of the Markaaz family is deeply embedded in the local small business community and is listening carefully and thoughtfully and looking at ways to respond quickly with practical, accessible, and inclusive solutions to the most important issues and needs. 

At Markaaz, we got into business to help small businesses succeed; that’s our raison d’être, our mission. Despite Covid, not because of it. If that means we must pivot along the way, and adapt our current solutions, then we will do just that! 

‘’Listening is not understanding the words of the question asked; listening is understanding why the question was asked in the first place.’’ (Simon Sinek) 

We invite our partners, friends, peers, and network to join us on this journey of making 2022 the Year of Small Business, listen with our ears wide open, and respond with all we have available to us to make sure others have access to all they need. 

Thank you for your continued support. 

Kindest regards, and here’s to small business in 2022. 

Hany Fam 
Founder & CEO


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